After limited series featuring Chris Evans and Tom Holland, “Lessons in Chemistry” serves up another faulty experiment in combining serious Apple TV+ dramas and Marvel stars. Brie Larson takes center stage in this adaptation of Bonnie Garmus’ novel, but its depiction of a female scientist turned cooking-show host navigating the patriarchal 1950s yields a souffle that sounds tasty but never rises. – RSS Channel After limited series featuring Chris Evans and Tom Holland, “Lessons in Chemistry” serves up another faulty experiment in combining serious Apple TV+ dramas and Marvel stars. Brie Larson takes center stage in this adaptation of Bonnie Garmus’ novel, but its depiction of a female scientist turned cooking-show host navigating the patriarchal 1950s yields a souffle that sounds tasty but never rises.
Read More After limited series featuring Chris Evans and Tom Holland, “Lessons in Chemistry” serves up another faulty experiment in combining serious Apple TV+ dramas and Marvel stars. Brie Larson takes center stage in this adaptation of Bonnie Garmus’ novel, but its depiction of a female scientist turned cooking-show host navigating the patriarchal 1950s yields a souffle that sounds tasty but never rises.