“The Idol” presented a cautionary show-business tale, all right, just not the one that was intended about suffering for art or “All About Eve”-like scheming to get ahead; rather, the show serves as a warning about the dangers executives brave when they allow hot talent to run wild and free, only to watch them lay a giant egg that goes splat instead of a golden one.
CNN.com – RSS Channel “The Idol” presented a cautionary show-business tale, all right, just not the one that was intended about suffering for art or “All About Eve”-like scheming to get ahead; rather, the show serves as a warning about the dangers executives brave when they allow hot talent to run wild and free, only to watch them lay a giant egg that goes splat instead of a golden one.
Read More “The Idol” presented a cautionary show-business tale, all right, just not the one that was intended about suffering for art or “All About Eve”-like scheming to get ahead; rather, the show serves as a warning about the dangers executives brave when they allow hot talent to run wild and free, only to watch them lay a giant egg that goes splat instead of a golden one.