Interest rates are high and could get higher. That means auto loans are expensive. In fact, auto loan interest rates are the highest they’ve been since 2007, when the world was heading into a massive financial crisis. Rates average 7.4%, according to Edmunds, up 3 percentage points in just one quarter. – RSS Channel Interest rates are high and could get higher. That means auto loans are expensive. In fact, auto loan interest rates are the highest they’ve been since 2007, when the world was heading into a massive financial crisis. Rates average 7.4%, according to Edmunds, up 3 percentage points in just one quarter.
Read More Interest rates are high and could get higher. That means auto loans are expensive. In fact, auto loan interest rates are the highest they’ve been since 2007, when the world was heading into a massive financial crisis. Rates average 7.4%, according to Edmunds, up 3 percentage points in just one quarter.