Premiering in April 2020, “Extraction” landed at a fortuitous time, showcasing “Thor’s” Chris Hemsworth in a muscular, theatrical-style action vehicle on Netflix at a moment when Covid brought theaters to a grinding halt. The sequel, “Extraction 2,” hammers away at the same basic outline, while feeling particularly simple minded even by the standards of the genre. – RSS Channel Premiering in April 2020, “Extraction” landed at a fortuitous time, showcasing “Thor’s” Chris Hemsworth in a muscular, theatrical-style action vehicle on Netflix at a moment when Covid brought theaters to a grinding halt. The sequel, “Extraction 2,” hammers away at the same basic outline, while feeling particularly simple minded even by the standards of the genre.
Read More Premiering in April 2020, “Extraction” landed at a fortuitous time, showcasing “Thor’s” Chris Hemsworth in a muscular, theatrical-style action vehicle on Netflix at a moment when Covid brought theaters to a grinding halt. The sequel, “Extraction 2,” hammers away at the same basic outline, while feeling particularly simple minded even by the standards of the genre.