“Flamin’ Hot,” a crowd-pleasing, chips-to-riches story, marks Eva Longoria’s directorial debut with a movie inspired by the feel-good tale of a Frito-Lay janitor who rose into the executive ranks and highlighted an underserved community.
CNN.com – RSS Channel “Flamin’ Hot,” a crowd-pleasing, chips-to-riches story, marks Eva Longoria’s directorial debut with a movie inspired by the feel-good tale of a Frito-Lay janitor who rose into the executive ranks and highlighted an underserved community.
Read More “Flamin’ Hot,” a crowd-pleasing, chips-to-riches story, marks Eva Longoria’s directorial debut with a movie inspired by the feel-good tale of a Frito-Lay janitor who rose into the executive ranks and highlighted an underserved community.