Nothing particularly dramatic happens during “Heartstopper,” the British teen drama that returns for its second season this week. And that alone, oddly, makes the show — which the San Francisco Chronicle rightly dubbed “the anti-‘Euphoria'” — feel somehow revolutionary, even more so a year after its US debut. – RSS Channel Nothing particularly dramatic happens during “Heartstopper,” the British teen drama that returns for its second season this week. And that alone, oddly, makes the show — which the San Francisco Chronicle rightly dubbed “the anti-‘Euphoria'” — feel somehow revolutionary, even more so a year after its US debut.
Read More Nothing particularly dramatic happens during “Heartstopper,” the British teen drama that returns for its second season this week. And that alone, oddly, makes the show — which the San Francisco Chronicle rightly dubbed “the anti-‘Euphoria'” — feel somehow revolutionary, even more so a year after its US debut.