‘Loki’s’ latest variant is still a pretty good way to kill time

“Loki” didn’t deliver unqualified magic, but the Disney+ series was weird and inventive enough to cast a spell over fans, while introducing controversial actor Jonathan Majors’ mysterious villain into the Marvel universe. Returning after Majors’ theatrical debut in the less-than-scintillating “Ant-Man” sequel, the second season of “Loki” feels more assured and focused if still decidedly out-there, all while toting around its fair share of baggage.

​CNN.com – RSS Channel “Loki” didn’t deliver unqualified magic, but the Disney+ series was weird and inventive enough to cast a spell over fans, while introducing controversial actor Jonathan Majors’ mysterious villain into the Marvel universe. Returning after Majors’ theatrical debut in the less-than-scintillating “Ant-Man” sequel, the second season of “Loki” feels more assured and focused if still decidedly out-there, all while toting around its fair share of baggage. 

Read More “Loki” didn’t deliver unqualified magic, but the Disney+ series was weird and inventive enough to cast a spell over fans, while introducing controversial actor Jonathan Majors’ mysterious villain into the Marvel universe. Returning after Majors’ theatrical debut in the less-than-scintillating “Ant-Man” sequel, the second season of “Loki” feels more assured and focused if still decidedly out-there, all while toting around its fair share of baggage. 


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