From its kinetic and colorful animation to the playful irreverence, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” owes a clear debt to another recent superhero franchise — taking a trip through the Turtle-Verse, if you will. Energetic and sporadically funny, it’s a passable effort to jump-start a comic-book franchise that has enjoyed a long if uneven crawl across the screen. – RSS Channel From its kinetic and colorful animation to the playful irreverence, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” owes a clear debt to another recent superhero franchise — taking a trip through the Turtle-Verse, if you will. Energetic and sporadically funny, it’s a passable effort to jump-start a comic-book franchise that has enjoyed a long if uneven crawl across the screen.
Read More From its kinetic and colorful animation to the playful irreverence, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” owes a clear debt to another recent superhero franchise — taking a trip through the Turtle-Verse, if you will. Energetic and sporadically funny, it’s a passable effort to jump-start a comic-book franchise that has enjoyed a long if uneven crawl across the screen.